2021 Justice Studies Scholarship Recipients


丹尼尔。P. Lomio Memorial Scholarship 

Recipient: 克拉丽莎 Punla 

Graduation Date: May 2022 


I plan to pursue a Criminal Justice or Criminology PhD and eventually become a university professor and researcher. 

 would like to express my deepest appreciation to the Lomio Family for the financial 支持我追求我的教育和职业目标. I would also like to thank the Justice Studies Scholarship Committee for selecting me as the recipient of this 奖学金


Willard “Huck” Schmidt Memorial Scholarship

Recipient: 伊莎贝拉 Mahan (She/Her)

Graduation Date: May 2022


在完成我在上海外国语大学的硕士学位后,我将攻读博士学位 政治科学. 发展跨学科的镜头,通过的观点 Justice Studies and political science, I intend to 工作 in researching women’s equity, particularly focusing on the experiences of sex 工作ers to build tangible solutions to protect and support those diminished and objectified due to their gender or sexuality.

我要向施密特家族和捐助者表示最深切的感谢 在发展这项奖学金方面的巨大慷慨. 的ir support greatly decreases the financial pressures during my final year at 菠菜网lol正规平台, allowing me to put greater focus 把精力投入到我的研究和与当地社区的交往中. 


Kristofer Boaz Claspill Memorial Scholarship

Recipient: Kristine Welcher

Graduation Date: Spring 2022



After I complete my bachelor's degree, my goal is to continue my education by obtaining 司法研究硕士学位,进入执法部门. 我是 inspired to serve 我的社区尽我所能,希望能产生影响.  

我是 honored to be the recipient of the Kristofer Boaz Claspill Memorial Scholarship 我想对Claspill一家表示衷心的感谢 继续支持像我这样最需要帮助的学生. 我是 humbled that I was chosen 作为一个接受者,我将尽我所能,光荣地代表他们儿子的遗产.


的resa Edel Memorial Scholarship 

收件人:安娜 E. 冈萨雷斯

Graduation Date: December 2021




毕业后,我将为2022年秋季入学的法学院做准备 侧重于刑法,并对少年司法和公共卫生感兴趣. 

I extend the utmost gratitude to 的resa’s family and the donors to this 奖学金. 获得这个奖项使我有机会免费完成我的学业 of financial worries as I follow in the footsteps of a some一个 as motivated as 的resa. 我是 inspired by her example and hope to accomplish as much as she did in her career. 我很感激能够把主要精力放在我的学术成就上 than financial challenges thanks to the generosity of those who have donated to this 奖学金.


的resa Edel Memorial Scholarship 

Recipient: Kristine Welcher

Graduation Date: Spring 2022



After I complete my bachelor's degree, I plan to continue my education and then 工作 在执法方面. 我希望能回馈社会,帮助他们回归社会 citizens and providing them the resources to move forward in life so they can become the better versions of themselves. 

我很荣幸被授予特蕾莎·埃德尔纪念奖学金. 我想。 express my sincere gratitude to the donor of this 奖学金 for giving me this award and believing 在我的未来. 有了这个奖,我可以不断设定更高的目标 for myself and push harder. 


谢尔比B. Brewer Memorial Scholarship 

收件人:安娜 E. 冈萨雷斯

Graduation Date: December 2021



毕业后,我将在法学院兼职,同时仍在做 a full-time Paralegal for the county. My interests include criminal law, specifically 加强青少年部门和加强公共安全的机会. 

As a recipient of the 谢尔比B. 布鲁尔纪念奖学金,我和谢尔比一样有激情 for reducing recidivism in juvenile crime. Like Shelby, I hope to be the voice in 刑事司法系统为那些未成年和代表性不足的人服务.  It 我很荣幸被选为这个奖学金的获得者,我永远感激不尽 it has not only relieved my financial burden, but it has allowed me to remain focused on my school工作 and maintain my responsibilities both personally and educationally. 我衷心感谢光芒四射的谢尔比·B的家人. 布鲁尔的 their contribution to my journey. 


辛普森 & Silva Memorial Scholarship 

Recipient: 罗文 Dunton

Graduation Date: May 2022


After graduation, I intend to 工作 at the intersection of current science, law enforcement, 和沟通. 这些感兴趣的领域正在不断发展,我计划在其中发挥作用 in shaping how we talk not only about, but within, law enforcement, forensic science, 以及其他与司法系统相关的领域.

我想。 sincerely thank the donors of the Officers 辛普森 and Silva Memorial Scholarship for their generous contribution. 我是 honored to be this year's recipient 关于捐赠.


辛普森 and Silva Memorial Scholarship

Recipient: 米歇尔 Lujan

Graduation Date: Fall 2022 




我毕业后的计划是在圣克拉拉县做一名缓刑监督官 in the Juvenile Division or a Court Appointed Friend and Advocate (CAFA) mentor for at-risk youth with Fresh Life行s for Youth (FLY) organization and become a positive role model for my community.

感谢您对我的信任,给我这次机会.  我想。 express my sincere gratitude and deep appreciation of your support and feel extremely honored to have been selected for this 奖学金.  I look forward to giving back to the 辛普森 & 席尔瓦纪念奖学金来支持未来像我这样的学生,并提供 给他们和我一样的机会.


辛普森 and Silva Memorial Scholarship 

Recipient: 恩里克 Guerra

Graduation Date: Fall 2021




After graduating, my goal is to join the Federal Bureau of Investigation or Central Intelligence Agency. 我也想继续发展我的教育 criminal justice field by earning my doctorate. 

我很荣幸能成为辛普森奖的获得者 & Silva Memorial Scholarship. 的 generosity of the friends and family of Officers Gene 辛普森 and Gordon Silva has 给了我追求学术理想的机会. It is because of generous donors as yourselves that 我是 able to learn amongst elite criminologists, sociologists and other bright justice students. 这个奖学金 will support the completion of 我在圣何塞州立大学攻读司法研究硕士学位. I am proud to have been recognized by the friends, donors, and supporters of Officers 辛普森 & 席尔瓦的奖学金,他们激励我为别人做贡献 行. 


Jeffrey Fontana Memorial Scholarship

Recipient: 艾米丽 Yen Dang

Graduation Date: Fall 2022



After graduation, I plan to acquire my Master’s degree in Forensic 科学 and ultimately, Ph值.D. 法医DNA & 血清学. My goal is to become a professor at 菠菜网lol正规平台 while 工作ing at a forensic laboratory.  

我是 sincerely grateful to the friends and family of Officer Fontana and honored to 被选为杰弗里·丰塔纳军官纪念奖学金的获得者. As 作为第一代大学生,这个奖学金对我的帮助很大 my academic journey. 这个奖项将帮助我支付我的大学费用,并允许我 to focus on pursuing my academic goals.


Paula St一个 Hubbell Memorial Scholarship

Recipient: 阿廖沙 Cruz-Galan

Graduation Date: Summer 2022


After graduation, my ultimate goal is to attend law school here in California to prepare for a career as a Criminal Defense lawyer.

我想。 thank my family, professors, and the family of Paula St一个 Hubbell 感谢他们慷慨资助我的教育. As a first-generation college student, 我是 honored to have the opportunity to pursue a higher education and accomplish my academic and professional goals. I look forward to 一个 day becoming a donor and supporting the Justice Studies 奖学金s in the same way this 奖学金 has supported me.


Paula St一个 Hubbell Memorial Scholarship 

Recipient: 米歇尔 Lujan

Graduation Date: Fall 2022 



我毕业后的计划是和被剥夺公民权的年轻人一起工作来打断 “pipe行 to prison” and break the cycle of juvenile violence, crime, and incarceration.  我的愿望是成为圣诞老人少年部的一名感化官 Clara County or as a Court Appointed Friend and Advocate (CAFA) mentor for Fresh Life行s 为青年(FLY)组织提供积极的导师和希望的榜样 to keep many of these juveniles off the streets.

我要感谢宝拉·哈勃捐赠奖学金的捐助者.  我是 extremely grateful for your generous support and empowering me to reach my fullest personal and professional potential.


California Association of Criminalists Endowment

Recipient: 阿尔文 Lin

Graduation Date: Summer 2021 




After graduating from San Jose State University, 我想。 工作 in the social media industry and analyze user behavior in on行 social media platforms for a few 年. 一旦我发现了法医学中更多的现实问题, and then 我想。 return to school and earn a graduate degree in Forensic 科学, Computer 科学, or Data 科学.

我想要的 to thank CAC Reed McLaughlin Endowment Committee and 菠菜网lol正规平台 Justice Studies Department for giving me this honor. 因为这个奖学金,我可以继续我的教育 研究如何识别互联网上潜在的犯罪行为. With computer science and machine learning techniques nowadays, we can quickly retrieve violence information on行 in social media or on行 forums, which will help law enforcement prevent victimization and off行 violence. 我再次感谢这个奖学金给我带来了更多的研究 resources and improves my research quality, especially during COVID when all the conferences 都被取消了,而我的家人在经济上一直在努力支持我. 这个奖学金 是对我研究努力的肯定,所以对我很重要吗.


J. 埃德加·胡佛基金会杰出领导奖学金

收件人:安娜 E. 冈萨雷斯

Graduation Date: December 2021

Upon graduation, I will be attending law school and advancing my interests in criminal 青少年法庭和公共安全方面的法律实务.  

My plans for law school derive from my eagerness to be the change 我想要的 to see in 这个世界和我想了解更多关于刑事司法系统的渴望.  我想要的 给刑事司法系统留下持久的正面印象. 我拥有最大的 gratitude to the Hoover Foundation for their support of my personal career goals and 努力.


J. 埃德加·胡佛基金会杰出领导奖学金

Recipient: 塞拉 Moore

Graduation Date: Spring 2022

毕业后,我计划攻读法医心理学的硕士和/或博士学位 Clinical Psychology. 然后我打算在监狱系统做心理学家,然后 最终在大专或大学任教. 

我非常感谢被选为J. Edgar Hoover Scholarship. 这个奖学金 will help me continue to 工作 towards my goals and follow my dreams. It has continued to inspire me to continue to 工作 hard and give back to my community 在我的未来 


J. 埃德加·胡佛基金会杰出领导奖学金

Recipient: Hivanna Maria Prado

Graduation Date: Spring 2023


After graduating I intend to pursue a master’s and possibly Ph值D in Forensic 科学. I then plan to 一个 day 工作 for the FBI. 

我是 honored to be the recipient of the J. Edgar Hoover Scholarship. 这个奖项将 请允许我支付我的学费,继续追求我的希望, 梦想和目标,在我所有的未来努力与能量,积极,努力 工作. 我很感激有一天能有机会把爱传递出去.


J. 埃德加·胡佛基金会杰出领导奖学金

Recipient: 瑞安 Kwong

Graduation Date: Fall 2022

After graduation, I hope to 工作 as a computer forensic analyst and eventually 工作 减少我们不同社区之间的数字鸿沟. 

我真的很感激和荣幸被选为J. Edgar Hoover Scholarship. Because of their generosity of this foundation, 我是 able to focus more on achieving my academic and personal goals. 我期待着能够为 未来的一代又一代的学生就像他们为我所做的一样.