2006 - 2010 Faculty Publications


瑜伽的艺术项目:一个性别敏感的瑜伽和创意艺术课程 加州少年司法系统中的女孩


Danielle Arlanda Harris, Ph.D. with Mary Lynn Fitton

As girls enter the juvenile justice system, they stand on the precipice of a lifelong cycle of crime and incarceration, yet still have the opportunity to turn toward healing and rehabilitation. 考虑到这一点,瑜伽艺术项目(AYP)设计了 a gender-specific intervention that combines Yoga, visual arts, and creative writing to help girls learn how to create a positive future for themselves. This article introduces AYP and shares the goals, objectives, and experiences of the program. A thorough description of AYP’s comprehensive Yoga and Creative Arts Curriculum is provided, including a 范例课程计划和整个课程的概述. Eight principles of best practices are presented and discussed. 我们希望这一蓝图将激励和授权 other Yoga therapists to develop similar programs that serve this important and underserved population.

Publishing information:

October 20th, 2010 | International Journal of Yoga Therapy, 1(1): 110-118

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Steven B. Lee, Ph.D., C. Crouse, Ph.D., and M. Kline, Ph.D.

Nucleic acid sample storage is of paramount importance in forensic science, epidemiological, clinical and genetic laboratories. 数以百万计的生物样本,包括细胞, 病毒和DNA/RNA每年都被储存起来,用于诊断、研究和取证. PCR允许对微量样品进行分析. Forensic samples such as bone, teeth, touch samples and some sexual assault evidence may yield only low quality and low quantity DNA/RNA. 需要有效地储存提取的DNA/RNA to ensure the stability of the sample over time for re-testing of the CODIS STRs, mtDNA, YSTRs, mRNA和其他未来的标记分型系统.

Amplification of some or all of these markers may fail because the biological material has been highly degraded, contains inhibitors, is too low in quantity or is contaminated with contemporary DNA. 已观察到冷冻液体的回收率降低 DNA提取物和那些暴露在多次冻融循环中的. Therefore, the 开发最佳的储存和扩增方法是成功的关键 recovery of profiles from these types of forensic samples, since in many cases, re-testing is necessary.

This review is divided into three sections. 第一节介绍了法医学的背景 DNA储存,影响DNA稳定性的因素,以及分子生物学的简要综述 strategies to type non-optimal DNA. 第二节介绍了DNA提取的重要性 在法医和非法医DNA数据库中的存储,以及负责的机制 for loss during storage. 最后,第三部分涵盖了策略和技术 being utilized to store DNA.

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移民管制,后福特主义,和更少的资格:唯物主义批判 整个欧洲对移民的刑事定罪


Alessandro De Giorgi, Ph.D.

The apparent de-bordering of the western world under the impulse of economic globalization has been paralleled by a simultaneous process of re-bordering of late-capitalist societies against global migrations. 重新划定边界是更广泛的惩罚性转向的一部分 已经出现的移民管理,特别是在欧洲, since the mid-1970s. On the one hand, non-western immigrants are targeted by prohibitionist immigration policies which in fact contribute to the reproduction of their status of illegality; on the other hand, the systematic use of incarceration (together with administrative detention and deportation) as the main strategy in the ongoing war against unauthorized immigration configures a dynamic of hyper-criminalization of 移民,其结果是加剧了他们的社会经济和政治 marginality across Europe. 遵循已知的唯物主义犯罪学方法 as political economy of punishment, this article suggests that these punitive strategies should be analyzed against the background of an increasingly flexible and de-regulated neoliberal economy: in this context, the hyper-criminalization of migrations contributes 对脆弱劳动力的再生产,他们的不安全感使其成为合适的 在后福特主义经济中分割的劳动力市场. 

Publishing information:

April 19th, 2010 | Punishment & Society (2010), 12, 2: 147-167

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青少年约会、同居和已婚饮酒中的亲密伴侣暴力 Partnerships


Veronica Herrera, Ph.D. with Jacquelyn D. Wiersma, Ph.D., H. Harrington Cleveland, Ph.D., and Judith L. Fischer, Ph.D.

Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, this study examined intimate partner violence (IPV) and drinking partnerships in 741 young adults in male-female 约会、同居和结婚关系. Cluster analyses revealed four similar 饮酒伙伴的种类:(a)一致、清淡且不频繁;(b)不一致 male heavy and frequent, (c) discrepant female heavy and infrequent, and (d) congruent moderate/heavy-frequent drinkers. 总体而言,没有显著的主效应差异 across relationship type and clusters. 关系的类型和喝酒的类型 伙伴关系与所审查的情况相互作用(一).e., type of violence severity, gender, 以及这种暴力是犯罪还是受害). Given the severity of IPV in couple relationships, additional empirical attention to drinking partnerships is warranted. 

Publishing information:

2010年4月1日|《lol菠菜网正规平台》第72卷第2期360-374页 April 2010

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Mark E. Correia, Ph.D. and Melinda Jackson, Ph.D.

圣何塞州立大学调查与政策研究所进行了这项调查 奥克兰警察局居民意见调查2009年12月12日至14日和1月 4-6, 2010. This telephone survey of 868 adult Oakland residents was conducted in English, Spanish, Cantonese, and Mandarin. 本样本包含的电话号码为 随机生成的计算机,以确保所列和未列的数字 包括奥克兰所有座机电话. An additional sample of cell phone numbers randomly selected from the 510 area code was included, with respondents screened to ensure that they were Oakland residents. A total of 45 surveys were completed by cell phone. Telephone numbers in the survey sample were called up to four times at 不同的时间和天数,以增加到达符合条件的家庭的可能性.

总样本的抽样误差是正负3.32 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.  较小的子群体有较大的误差幅度.  Results 按种族和性别加权,以匹配2006-2008年的美国社区 Survey  estimates for Oakland from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Publishing information:

January 20th, 2010 | Survey and Policy Research Institute, San José State University, San José, CA


Determinants of attitudes toward police of Latino immigrants and non-immigrants


Mark E. Correia, Ph.D.

Though much attention has been given to the effect of ethnicity on perceptions of 但很少有研究关注拉丁裔移民. Using research conducted 在一个移民富裕地区,这项研究考察了决定因素的可能性 attitudes toward the police differ across immigrants and non-immigrants. Using several 本文探讨了统计技术中最常用的影响 variables (e.g., age, gender, contact with the police) as well as those most associated with immigrants (e.g.、语言能力、宗教信仰、居住稳定性). 用于评估各种社会进程的其他变量(例如.g., social cohesion, informal social control, neighboring ...

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Danielle Arlanda Harris, Ph.D., Paul Mazerolle, Ph.D., and Raymond A. Knight, Ph.D.

先前的研究已经探讨了犯罪学理论是否可以解释 显然是性犯罪者的特殊行为. One perspective proposes that criminals are versatile, engaging in an array of antisocial behaviors. The alternative perspective, more common in sexual offending research, is that sexual offenders (especially child molesters) engage in sexual offenses exclusively or predominantly. This study 对374名男性性犯罪者进行了调查. Offenders were compared 按犯罪分类和专业化程度分别进行了评估和选择 测量一般犯罪和性变态的变量. Specialization level was a stronger group discriminator than offender classification. Versatile offenders were significantly more likely than specialist offenders to present with generic antisocial 传统犯罪学预测的行为. Specialist offenders reported more 性变态指标高于多面手. The theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.

Publishing information:

October 19th, 2009 | Criminal Justice and Behavior October 2009 vol. 36 no. 10 1051-1069 

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What Will States Really Do For Us? 人权事业与来自下层的压力


William Armaline, Ph.D. and Davita Silfen Glasberg, Ph.D.

International human rights standards and treaties have been plagued with disputes 关于国际法在国家主权方面的相关性和效力. These disputes commonly result in states’ failure to realize the rights and standards outlined by such human rights instruments. What if states cannot or will not provide fundamental dignities to their people? 此外,全球结构调整如何影响 states’ ability to implement human rights? We explore these questions through what 我们称之为“人权事业”,其中包括统治者和 统治着人权实践的实现. As such, human rights are often developed through the struggles of grassroots organizations and non-elites from below, not simply from the compassionate actions of states to respect their international agreements.

Publishing information:

October 1st, 2009 | Societies Without Borders, Volume 4, Number 3, 2009 , pp. 430-451(22) 

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保卫边境:爱国主义、警戒主义和美国人的野蛮化 public


Sang Hea Kil, Ph.D., Cecilia Menjívar, Ph.D., and Roxanne Lynne Doty, Ph.D.

This is an examination of how border policies become intertwined with patriotic expressions 这导致了一种有利于边境治安维持的气氛. We analyze how vigilantes target sources of immigrant employment, demonstrate at public buildings in attempting to put pressure on public officials, and speak and rally at educational institutions in order to disseminate their message.


Findings – Brutalization theory helps understand how a militarized border policy shapes 在这种环境中,暴力成为一种可接受和适当的反应 undocumented migration.

价值-本章提供了最近的治安维持者活动的见解 边界,也在国家内部.

Publishing information:

March 10th, 2009 | Crime and Justice. 犯罪、法律和越轨行为社会学系列 (2009). Ed. William McDonald (pp. 297 - 312). Emerald Group Publishing Ltd (United Kingdom) 

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Specialization and versatility in sexual offenders referred for civil commitment 


Danielle A. Harris, Ph.D., Stephen Smallbone, Ph.D., Susan Dennison, Ph.D., and Raymond A. Knight, Ph.D.

Offense versatility was the more likely tendency across the sample. Committed and observed offenders did not differ. 虽然主要是多才多艺的儿童猥亵者 were significantly more likely than rapists to specialize in sexual offenses, and 也更有可能专门研究儿童猥亵. Consistent with previous research with sexual offenders, both measures of offense specialization revealed substantial 儿童猥亵者和强奸犯的区别. As expected, rapists had more versatile criminal records. The extent to which persistent sexual offenders specialize in sexual offenses, or the extent to which they also engage in nonsexual offenses, has only 最近成为实证研究的主题. This study explored the extent of both tendencies (specialization and versatility) in the criminal histories of 572 成年男性性犯罪者指民事犯罪. The specialization threshold 并采用多样性指数对罪犯亚群的转诊状况进行比较.

Publishing information:

February 10th, 2009 | Journal of Criminal Justice, 2009, 37(1): 2009:37-44

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A Preliminary Study of Intimate Partner Violence Among Nepali Women in the United States


Yoko Baba, Ph.D., Soni Thapa-Oli, Ph.D., and Hari Bansha Dulal

尽管有越来越多的研究亲密伴侣暴力(IPV)在 U.S. South Asian communities, the examination of IPV among Nepali women in the United States is still in the initial stage. 本研究的目的是评估 prevalence of and vulnerabilities to IPV among 45 Nepali immigrant women residing in the New York metropolitan area. The findings demonstrated that 75.6% of women had 被现在的伴侣辱骂,62岁.2% had to seek permission 从他们的伴侣去他们的朋友或亲戚的房子.

Publishing information:

2009年2月1日|对妇女的暴力(2009)15 (2):206-223. 

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Water, Place, and Equity


Richard Warren Perry, Ph.D. with Helen Ingram, Ph.D. and John Whiteley, Ph.D.

Many predict that by the end of this century water will dominate world natural resources politics as oil does today. 获得水被广泛认为是一项基本人权, 并于1992年由联合国宣布成立. And yet the water crisis grows: although the total volume of water on the planet may be sufficient for our needs, much of it is misallocated, wasted, or polluted, and the poorest of the poor live in arid areas where water is scarce. 未来十年将需要新的视角 on water resources and reconsideration of the principles of water governance and policy.

《菠菜网lol正规平台》一书认为,水资源分配的公平性将是一个关键问题 为人类更加公平和安全的未来奠定基础. With analyses and case studies, it demonstrates that considerations of equity are more important in formulating and evaluating water policy than the more commonly invoked notions of efficiency and markets.

通过案例研究,本书探讨了水的公平问题范围从 cost and benefit disparities that result from Southern California’s storm water runoff 玻利维亚水资源私有化的政策. In a final chapter, Water, Place, 而公平基金则考虑更广泛的问题——全球气候变化对水的影响 resources and better ways to incorporate equity into future water policy.

Publishing information:

October 10th, 2008 | M.I.T. Press 

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The Influence of Individual and Partner Characteristics on the Perpetration of Intimate 青少年关系中的伴侣暴力


Veronica M. Herrera, Ph.D., Jacquelyn D. Wiersma, Ph.D., and H. Harrington Cleveland, Ph.D.

This study examines individual and partner characteristics associated with the perpetration of intimate partner violence (IPV) in young adult relationships with opposite sex partners. Using data from Waves 1 and 3 of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent 健康方面,这项研究调查了1275名年轻人的异性恋爱关系. Controlling for the effects of family and school correlates measured in adolescence, we examined the extent to which participants’ general violent behavior in young adulthood and their partners’ use of violence in their relationship influence participants’ IPV perpetration. 我们发现有一般暴力倾向和 target of violence in a relationship influenced one’s likelihood of young adults perpetrating IPV. We also tested whether the overall influence of participants’ general violent behavior on IPV perpetration was moderated by their partners’ use of violence in the relationship. We found that young women’s greatest expression of violent tendencies emerged when in relationships with violent men; yet, when partnered with non-violent 男性,年轻女性自身的暴力倾向并没有导致IPV. We found little evidence 研究中年轻男性的互动效应. The lack of a significant interaction in the model indicated that young men’s general aggression was not conditioned on 他们的伴侣在他们的关系中使用身体攻击.

Publishing information:

October 10th, 2008 | Journal of Youth and Adolescence Volume 37, Number 3 (2008), 284-296

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Predicting Successful College Experiences: Evidence from a First Year Retention Program


James Daniel Lee, Ph.D. with Kimberly Noble, Ph.D., Nicole T. Flynn, and David Hilton, Ph.D.

Research indicates that programs designed to target first year students increase their likelihood of success during that year and their chances of completing an undergraduate education (Bureau & Rromrey, 1994; Conner & Colton, 1999). Theoretically, such programs should help in part because they foster integration into campus communities and help 使个人目标与机构目标保持一致. In an effort to increase retention 和一年级学生的成绩,南阿拉巴马大学实施 a program for resident first year students called ESSENCE in the fall of 1998. The 本研究的目的是衡量该计划对学生成功的影响. 具体来说,我们感兴趣的是评估该项目对gpa和 graduation rates. In multivariate analyses, we compare GPAs and graduation rates for 常驻ESSENCE学生、常驻非ESSENCE学生和非常驻学生 控制其他成功的预测因素. We find that ESSENCE improves GPAs and 五年内毕业的可能性与其他经历相比,即使 controlling for other factors.

Publishing information:

April 1st, 2008 | Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice. 2007, 9:39-60. 

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Sang Hea Kil, Ph.D. with Madelaine Adelman, Ph.D. 

约会的情侣与彼此的朋友联系在一起,这些朋友对约会有期望, 比如谁是可以接受的约会对象,以及如何平衡友谊和约会. 我们探讨了朋友在约会冲突中的地位.e., conflicts and violence 与异性恋青少年约会有关),并问:(a)朋友是如何牵连的 在青少年约会/暴力中,不仅是作为目标或知己,而且是作为参与者 in conflict that stems from their friends’ relationships, and (b) in what ways do dating conflicts conserve or challenge the power of gender and sexual conformity that 是异性恋约会和约会暴力的基础?

Publishing information:

2007年12月10日|暴力侵害妇女2007年12月卷. 13 no. 12 1296-1318 

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Digging Out of Trouble Public Archaeology as Rehabilitation for Juvenile Delinquents


James Daniel Lee, Ph.D., Philip J. Carr, Ph.D., and Tiffanie N. Bruch, M.A. 

This article reports an evaluation of an archaeology project carried out by the University 南阿拉巴马(美国)考古研究中心,以补充密集 阿拉巴马州莫比尔的少年犯善后计划. The project was an 14名青少年参加为期八周的野外学校. The goals of the project were to 教授考古学,提供工作技能,改善犯罪分子的亲社会态度, 改善罪犯对当地社区的态度,减少再犯 among delinquents. The evaluation was completed using a mixed methods approach including 项目前后的问卷调查,每周评估,与匹配的比较 与员工进行抽样、观察和焦点小组讨论. Findings are that students learned 并与员工形成了积极的关系. There is no evidence that pro-social 态度,与社区的联系,或累犯都改变了. The quality of archaeology performed by the participants was high and the project beneficial to the Center. Such 这些项目有望成为青少年干预项目的重要组成部分,他补充道 education and job skills opportunities, but should not be expected to work as stand-alone interventions.

Publishing information:

September 15th, 2007 | Journal of Applied Social Science September 2007 1: 29-61 

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Sang Hea Kil, Ph.D. and Cecilia Menjívar, Ph.D.

在这个急需的收集原始文章广泛评估当代 与移民、种族和民族有关的犯罪模式. Immigration and 犯罪活动涉及各种移民群体,主要来自亚洲、加勒比海和美国 Latin America–and a variety of topics including: victimization, racial conflict, juvenile delinquency, exposure to violence, homicide, drugs, gangs, and border violence.

该卷提供了重要的见解关于过去的理解移民和 犯罪,许多基于已被证明是不真实的或有种族偏见的理论,如 以及在重要话题上提供新的奖学金. Overall, the contributors argue that fears of immigrant crime are largely unfounded, as immigrants are themselves often more likely to be the victims of discrimination, stigmatization, and crime rather than the perpetrators.

Publishing information:

July 10th, 2006 | Immigration and Crime: Race, Ethnicity, and Violence, Eds. Ramiro Martinez Jr. and Abel Valenzuela Jr (Chapt. 8). New York: New York University Press. 

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Re-Thinking the Political Economy of Punishment: Perspectives on Post-Fordism and Penal Politics


Alessandro De Giorgi, Ph.D.

惩罚的政治经济学表明,惩罚制度的演变 should be connected to the transformations of capitalist economies: in this respect, 每一种“生产方式”都知道它特有的“惩罚方式”。. However, global processes of transformation have revolutionized industrial capitalism since the early 20世纪70年代,从而形成了一个后福特主义的生产体系. In this book, the author investigates the emergence of a new flexible labour force in contemporary Western societies. Current penal politics can be seen as part of a broader project to control 这种劳动力,对监狱和惩罚的作用影响深远 strategies in general.

Publishing information:

June 1st, 2006 | Re-thinking the Political Economy of Punishment: Perspectives on post-Fordism and Penal Politics (2006). Aldershot: Ashgate, UK. 

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