

Daniel P. 洛米奥纪念奖学金

收件人:Patricia Espiritu Advincula



After graduation, my ultimate goal is to either receive my masters in social work or my doctorate in sociology or social welfare in order to pursue my career in the 司法研究领域.

I would like to thank my family, friends, and professors as well as the family of Daniel P. Lomio for their generosity and thoughtful 捐款来支持我的教育. I am honored to have the opportunity to pursue a higher education and accomplish my 学术和职业目标. 我也希望有一天能提供同样的机会 given to me to other students by becoming a donor and supporting the Justice Studies 上海外国语大学奖学金. 



Recipient: Hannah Henry

Graduation Date: Spring 2023


After graduating with my master’s degree, my ultimate goal is to work in the field 青少年司法.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the recognition and support the family 和Willard Schmidt的朋友们给了我这个奖. 正如我正在完成的 my last year at San Jose State University, I am very thankful to receive this scholarship as it has offered me the hope for a more meaningful career and will play a key role 在不久的将来把我塑造成一个成功的人. 我希望有一天,就像 有了你,我就能帮助学生实现他们的学术目标.




After graduating, my goal is to apply to various sheriff’s departments and ultimately 成为北加州的副警长.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for radically 改变了我十几岁的生活. 他把我从罪恶中拯救出来,让我戒掉毒瘾, 满足了我心中上帝般的空洞. 没有他,我什么都不是. Moreover, I would like to thank my wife, Rebeca, and my family for helping me overcome various 在我的教育之旅的障碍. 我还要感谢兰德尔教授 鼓励我申请这个奖学金. 最后,我要感谢我的家人 感谢克里斯托夫·克拉斯皮尔帮助我完成学业. 我将竭尽全力 是继承你儿子的好日子. 






I would like to thank my family and professors for encouraging me to pursue my passion, and the donor who established the 特里萨·埃德尔纪念奖学金 for this generous 捐款来支持我的教育. 

I am honored to be continuing my higher education within San Jose State’s Justice 研究部门. 能够在专业领域的教授手下学习 and achieve my 学术和职业目标 would not have been possible without this department. 在未来,我希望成为一名捐赠者,通过 司法研究奖学金,就像这个奖学金支持我一样. 

JaslinaShelby B. 布鲁尔纪念奖学金

收件人:Jaslina Gonzales 



After graduation, my goal is to get a job as extra help within the juvenile probation 这样我就可以开始我的职业生涯,帮助有风险的青少年. I hope and plan to later work as a juvenile probation officer so I can make a difference in youth’s lives. 

I would like to thank my family and close loved ones for encouraging me to continue 并申请这些奖学金. 我要感谢我的教授们 他们给我的帮助和教育. 最后,我要特别感谢 谢尔比一家. 感谢布鲁尔的慷慨和对我的帮助 继续我的教育. 我很荣幸能有这个绝佳的机会 支持我的教育,帮助我实现我的目标. 这笔奖学金将在经济上帮助我 and academically because I will be able to focus on my studies without worrying about 支付费用和其他费用. 我从心底感谢你们所有人! I look forward to being able to donate back to the Justice Studies Department to support the Shelby B. 布鲁尔纪念奖学金,让我有一天可以帮助其他学生 谁和我一样. 

EmilySimpson & 席尔瓦纪念奖学金

收件人:Emily Yen Dang




Career plans: After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree, I will go on and pursue a 法医学硕士学位和博士学位.D. 法医DNA/血清学 我可以回到上海大学当教授.

I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the friends and family of 辛普森警官和席尔瓦警官. 作为第一代大学生,我总是 try my best to thrive in my academic career using the limited resources and guidance that I have. 虽然有时,经济不稳定会影响我的工作效率 在学校的表现. 这笔奖学金将帮助我减轻一些经济负担 负担和激励我实现我的教育和职业目标. With such 我想,总有一天,我将以教授和辛普森基金会的捐赠者的身份回到上海州立大学 & Silva 纪念奖学金.





毕业后,我打算攻读硕士学位,可能还会攻读博士学位.D. 法医学 为将来在联邦调查局工作做准备. 

我很荣幸能成为杰弗里·丰塔纳纪念奖学金的获得者. First, I would like to thank the family of Jeffrey Fontana for helping me cover the cost of my education. 这个奖学金让我充满了能量和积极性 我可以继续努力追求我的希望、梦想和目标. It is an honor 让我有机会把爱传递出去.


收件人:Kapil Sharma



I've always wanted to help people and make a difference in their lives, so I'm pursuing 司法研究硕士学位. 毕业后,我最初的目标是加入 a legal firm and work toward being a voice for individuals who belong to the underprivileged 社会的一部分,不了解法律的复杂性.

I want to express my gratitude to Paula Stone Hubbell's family for their incredible 给我的教育礼物. 我是我们家第一个有机会 在美国上大学. 保拉·斯通·哈贝尔纪念奖学金 arrived at a crucial time when I needed financial assistance to finish my master's degree. 我要从心底感谢他们的友好姿态 帮助有需要的学生. 我渴望有一天能成为一名捐赠者,支持司法研究 奖学金,就像这个奖学金帮助我一样.





My ultimate goal after graduating with my master's degree is to work in the field 青少年司法.

I would like to thank the family of Paula Stone Hubbell for their generous contribution 来支持我的教育. 我很荣幸也很感激有机会去追求 my master's degree and look forward to helping my community once I begin my career. Donors like you inspire students, and I hope that one day I too will be in a position 帮助和鼓励其他有需要的学生.


加州罪犯协会里德 & 弗吉尼亚麦克劳克林捐赠奖学金 



Following graduation, I am most interested in using interdisciplinary forensic science and medico-legal anthropology to secure human rights and combat the effects of grief 和模棱两可的损失. 也就是说,我希望建立可以使用的研究方法 to help identify unidentified decedents and bring closure to these victims’ families 谁被遗弃在黑暗中. 我计划申请法医学博士课程 anthropology and expand on my research: examining the mortality of socioeconomically 贫困人口.

全职读研究生并不像在公园里散步那么容易. I would like to thank CAC for providing the funding to cover the expenses required to make my ambitious graduate thesis possible and for kickstarting the important research 我计划在我的终身职业生涯中继续发展.


加州罪犯协会里德 & 弗吉尼亚麦克劳克林捐赠奖学金

收件人:Niraj Sunil Pandkar



Currently, I’m summarizing the results of my research in a form of a manuscript which 我计划在2022年秋季提交. 毕业后,我打算申请计算机方面的工作 科学/数据分析领域. 从长远来看,我计划继续我的教育 a Ph.D. 或在快速发展的生物信息学领域从事专业工作 以及它在法医科学中的应用.

I would like to thank the California Association of Criminalists for their generous 支持我的教育和研究项目. 这个奖学金 will help me complete my degree, develop a valuable forensic tool and achieve my career goals. I look forward to becoming a donor one day and supporting the Justice Studies 同学们也以同样的方式得到了奖学金的支持.


J. 埃德加·胡佛基金会杰出领导奖学金

收件人:Emily Yen Dang



After graduation, I will pursue 法医学硕士学位和博士学位.D. 在法医DNA/血清学之后. 展望未来,我计划回到上海外国语大学 作为一名教授,在法医实验室工作.

我衷心感谢J. 埃德加·胡佛基金会,很荣幸被选中 as the J. 埃德加·胡佛基金会领导奖学金获得者. 作为第一代 college student in a low-income family, I have confronted many challenges in my journey toward achieving higher education, such as balancing work-school life and ensuring 我可以在维持学业进步的同时维持收支平衡. This award will greatly assist me with my college expenses and encourage me to achieve my educational 职业目标. 


J. 埃德加·胡佛基金会杰出领导奖学金

收件人:Ryan Kwong


After graduation, I hope to work as a digital forensic analyst and eventually work 减少我们不同社区之间的数字鸿沟. 

我真的很感激和荣幸被选为J. 埃德加·胡佛奖学金. 因为J的慷慨. 埃德加·胡佛基金会,我可以更专注 关于实现我的学业和个人目标. 我期待着能有所贡献 as a donor to the future generations of students to come just as they have done for me.


J. 埃德加·胡佛基金会杰出领导奖学金




After graduating I intend to pursue a master’s and possibly a PhD 法医学. 然后我计划有一天为联邦调查局工作. 

我很荣幸能成为J. 埃德加·胡佛奖学金. This award will allow me to cover the cost of my education, and continue the pursuit of my hopes, dreams, and goals in all of my future endeavors with energy, positivity, and hard work. 我很感激有一天能有机会把爱传递出去.